What is a guarantee...

A promise, pledge or assurance, especially in writing; that something is as represented of specific quality, content, benefit, outcome, performance or condition...for a given length of time...and will be replaced if it does not meet specifications.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Any installation or repair performed by Perfect Climate on your equipment will be installed and/or repaired correctly the first time. If at any time during the first year of our equipment installation, that specific system fails, we will repair it absolutely free. Certain repairs are guaranteed for two years or the repair is free. If our technician(s) smoke, swear, are not drug free, do not act in a professional and polite manner, do not use or wear floor covers, or leave your home without cleaning up and you are not satisfied with the service we have performed, you do not have to pay for the service.

left-quoteOn-time, prompt service and they were able to answer all my questions with no hesitation.right-quote

Kacie L.

What you can expect from us...

  • On Time

    Prompt Service Arrival

    Our technicians take pride in being prompt because they value your time. We make valiant efforts to contact customers as we are in route to service locations to make sure that the property and unit are accessible.

  • Property Protection

    Property Protection & Client Respect Guarantee

    Our technicians are the best in skill and workmanship. While they are in your home, your property will be protected from any damage.

  • Straight Pricing

    Straightforward Pricing

    We give you options for solving your heating and air conditioning problems, tell you the cost of your repairs upfront, and wait for your approval before doing any work.

  • Practial Advice

    Practical Advice & Suggestions

    All of us at Perfect Climate Heating & Air will gladly take the time to answer any questions you may have on any heating or cooling comfort topic. From healthy air quality to zoning and everything in between, we believe that an educated homeowner is better prepared to make informed knowledeable decisions.